Visitor Management System Malaysia
Visitor Management System Malaysia
Visitor Management System Malaysia
Visitor Management System Malaysia
What Is a Visitor Management System
Visitor management system is a technology that tracks visitors entering your office. These visitors can be your client, courier, interviewee, contractor, consultant, or maybe the cousin of your CEO’s grandma. The point is, anyone who is not a full-time employee is a visitor.
This system replaces the conventional visitor record with a medium that is more accessible. It gives you access to monitor the visitor that enters your buildings, campuses, or other facilities. It is possible because the visitors have to log-in and use ID badges if they wish to enter certain places so the management can keep an eye of them.
The Benefits of Visitor Management System
The replacement of the traditional visitor management method with the technology presents new benefits. In general, a visitor management system increases organization’s productivity and efficiency. Here is why:
Visitor Management System
Support your front desk staff to deliver a more personalised customer service
Hardware Integrations
Support Wide Range Of Hardware Integrations
Printer, Barcode, Webcam, Face Recognition, etc
Visitor Management Solution
Transform your front desk with our VMS. Replace your old visitor book with our safe, secure and modern workplace management solution.
• Proper Identification & Tracking of Visitors
• Fast Capture of Visitor Information
• Real Time Visitor Tabulation
• Easy Retrieval of Visitor Records
• Reduces Visitor Processing Time